Back during the development stages of Everywhere At The End Of Time, Leyland commissioned a website called "Weirdcore.TV" to make some music videos for the album for him. However, they only ended up publically releasing videos for Stage 1 and Stage 2. The premise of the music videos is each stage goes through the same amount of rooms (these rooms were bought for hundreds of dollars on 3d modelling websies), but as the album progresses, the rooms become more and more distorted. The main difference between stages is the paintings on the wall (that stages album cover) and the "projections" footage that plays along the walls like a projector, causing unique lighting which makes for a trippy watch. The footage used is taken from various places.

First, both stages has something changed about them compared to the final cut. For stage 1, Quiet Internal Rebellions is replaced with Long Term Dusk Glimpses, and for stage 2 the first 5 songs (or side a of it's vinyl) plays the songs in reverse order. Now let's go over footage used, the first footage used, the one of various people ballroom dancing, comes from a scene from the 1952 film "The Merry Widow" It starts around 1:17 into it. The first room I call "the pool room" due to featuring a weird looking pool. The next room I call "the bedroom" cause it has a bed in the middle. The footage here (a man and woman ballroom dancing in a starry field) is from a scene from the 1952 film "Lovely To Look At" part used is at around 1:06. The next room is the dining room, which's footage (a man in a top walking up stairs nearby models) is from from the 1951 film "An American In Paris" it starts around 1:15. The next room I call "the living room" due to featuring various chairs and tables. The footage here (a woman swimming) is from a scene from the 1944 film "Bathing Beauty" I think the footage starts at 3:14? Hard to tell. The next room I call "the chandalier room" and the footage (2 men in top hats doing a cane dance) is from the 1953 film "The Band Wagon" This ends unique footage used in stage 1. The next room I call "the hallway". This room is notable due to containing the same carpet pattern popularized by The Shining The next room I call "the bar" which uses the scene from Lovely To Look At, the last room I call "the gallery" due to featuring the paintings in an art gallery esque style.

What's very interesting about stage 2's footage is every single movie sampled has the actor "Esther Williams" in it in some way. The pool room's footage is from A scene from the 1949 film "Neptune's Daughter" The dining room uses Footage from the 1948 film "On An Island With You" it mainly uses the man playing guitar parts. The dining room uses another scene from the 1944 Bathing Beauty movie part used at 1:24. This footage continues into the living room. Enterting the chandelier room, we get the same Esther Footage used in stage 1, albeit using the part where she starts swimming underwater. Progressing into this room as well as in the hallway, we have Footage from the 1955 film "Jupiter's Darling" In the bar, we have a scene of a woman pole dancing underwater from the 1952 film "Million Dollar Mermaid" Upon entering the art gallery, we get a quick scene from the 1946 film "Easy To Wed" at 1:54. The art gallery continues with Million Dollar Mermaid, and finally ends with more Bathing Beauty footage. As you can see, Esther William's acting rolls always revolve around her underwater swimming abilities. This is why Stage 2 looks more trippy than stage 1, due to containing underwater waves.

Now we encounter the elephant in the room, what happened to stages 3-6? (WARNING: SOME THEORY CRAFTING BASED ON EVIDENCE IS IN THIS SECTION) The website said they would come out but it's been almost a decade and no word. I heard in one interview weirdcore said they "rushed stages 1 & 2" and wanted to do something better for stages 3-6. Although stages 3-6 have never seen the light of day, in Leyland's live shows we're treated to something interesting, unreleased footage from an unspecfied stage Now what stage this footage is from is up for debate, but I think stage 3 would've used more movie footage, this footage has something unique going on, where various pieces of Ivan Seal art are being projected onto the walls instead of movie clips, which leads me to believe this is what stages 4-6 would've looked like. This specfic footage has a unique thing happen. They come as we can tell before, the room structure is: pool room, bedroom, dining room, living room, chandeliar room, hallway, bar, gallery, but here, we start in the the hallway, and go back to the chandeliar room, and once we make it past the hallway again, we go back to the chandeliar room. I believe this looping technique likely would've been used to stall for time, due to the length of stages 4-6. The last footage here uses The American Paris footage, but starts at 0:59. If you're wondering, part 1 just uses stage 2's footage, albeit the chandeliar room has a filter added which adds a ivan seal painting. This may imply some of the footage seen in the stage 4-6 footage may be from stages 1 or 2. The primavera footage uses even more peculiar footage. It starts with more of the stage 4-6 footage, albeit with different paintings (again confirming the looping theory) but stage 2 plays in the background as well, so then after the bar scene goes away stage 2 goes away and we get the stage 4-6 footage I showed in the previous video, once I Might Be Vanishing plays, stage 2 plays again, aldoe the unique American Paris version I mentioned earlier plays overtop, then after stage 2 plays more, the most peculiar footage yet plays, we get footage of someone walking through a very empty house replacing the rooms we saw earlier, and more of that weird flowery footage we saw a glimpse of the stage 4 footage. My personal theory? This is what stage 5 looks like. I'll get what I think stage 6 looks like later. We only get a brief glimpse, cause next up is more stage 2 with the Band Wagon footage playing overtop. After this, we get a further glimpse of the aforementioned "stage 5" footage. The footage is simply overlaided atop the footage and not projected on the walls, imo confirming this footage was indeed recorded in real life. Unfortutely our further glimpse of stage 5 has an overlaied image of Blame Shines Within The Demise overtop it. Around the 27 minute mark the stage 5 footage loops.

The Ghosts Of My Life performance (look up footage yourself) begins with this weird footage of blue shiny footage with pulsing background footage. I believe, in my opinion, THIS is what stage 6 would've looked like. As the footage progresses, this footage undistorts and reveals itself to be from The Merry Widow. Maybe stage 6's ending would've looked like that? Who knows. Then we see the same stage 4 footage was saw before, complete with more shining footage (I'd assume would be excluded from the final product) After that, stage 2 & 1 plays at the same time, and that's basically it.

But I have one more video up my sleeve. Footage from another 2024 performance We see more stage 4, then stage 1, and the truely preculiar footage of a mess of shapes folding into each other. Now, where this footage would've been used was maybe stage 5? Maybe the footage I said was gonna be stage 5 should've been stage 3, and if weirdcore didn't pay it's debts for stage 3 that would explain why the footage was recorded in real life. But I personally believe the irl footage is a debilerate choice by weirdcore. And that's all the footage I have. This page was a lotta speculation, at least the end, but I hope you enjoyed some of the footage I presented.