Welcome to the Leyland Archive!

I made this website as a test as basically to store material by my fav artist. THIS IS A TEST WEBSITE. I do not intend to find out how to use this immeditaely.

Leyland Kirby is a music artist who went mega viral after making an album. I've dedicated my life to listening and archiving his music.

Legal notice: Leyland has stated on most of his albums that they are free to use. As such, I believe any music by Leyland he allows to be shared, as long as the song's sample doesn't violate copyright of course.

Check out parts of the stages 4 and 5 pages for info about unreleased songs. Use CTRL+A to read text.

The Caretaker

Selected Memories From The Haunted Ballroom

A Stairway To The Stars

We'll All Go Riding On A Rainbow

Theoretically Pure Anterograde Amnesia

Additional Amnestic Memories

Deleted Scenes Forgotten Dreams

Persistent Repetition Of Phrases

An Empty Bliss Beyond This World

Patience After Sebald

Extra Patience After Sebald

Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 1

Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 2

Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 3

Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 4

Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 5

Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 6

Take Care It's A Desert Out There

Everywhere An Empty Bliss

Singles, Mixes, Live Shows, and Misc

Weirdcore.TV Music Videos


Up Link Data Transmissions

Leyland Kirby (S/T)

Intrigue And Stuff

The Stranger

The Stranger (S/T)


Watching Dead Empires In Decay