I made this website as a test as basically to store material by my fav artist. THIS IS A TEST WEBSITE. I do not intend to find out how to use this immeditaely.
Leyland Kirby is a music artist who went mega viral after making an album. I've dedicated my life to listening and archiving his music.
Legal notice: Leyland has stated on most of his albums that they are free to use. As such, I believe any music by Leyland he allows to be shared, as long as the song's sample doesn't violate copyright of course.
Check out parts of the stages 4 and 5 pages for info about unreleased songs. Use CTRL+A to read text.
Selected Memories From The Haunted Ballroom
We'll All Go Riding On A Rainbow
Theoretically Pure Anterograde Amnesia
Deleted Scenes Forgotten Dreams
Persistent Repetition Of Phrases
An Empty Bliss Beyond This World
Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 1
Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 2
Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 3
Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 4
Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 5
Everywhere At The End Of Time: Stage 6
Take Care It's A Desert Out There
Singles, Mixes, Live Shows, and Misc